A Guide to High-Stakes Standardized Testing in the United States |
Applied Learning Algorithms for Intelligent IoT |
Applying Critical Mathematics Education |
Building Better Organizations |
Culturally Relevant Teaching |
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Encyclopedia of Critical Whiteness Studies in Education |
Experiencias de Movilidad: Una ventana al mundo |
Failure Before Success |
Fugitive Pedagogy |
Future Network Architectures And Core Technologies |
How Photography Became Contemporary Art |
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Inclusive Teaching |
Integrations |
Intersectionality in Education: Toward More Equitable Policy, Research, and Practice |
Lessons From Lockdown |
Misconceiving Merit |
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Narrative As Writing and Literacy Pedagogy for Preservice Elementary Teachers |
Our Children Are Your Students |
Picture a Professor |
Rehabilitation Ethics for Interprofessional Practice |
Reimagining The Call to Teach: A Witness to Teachers and Teaching |
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Seen and Not Heard |
Strategic Management |
The Green Revolution in the Global South |
The Metaverse Handbook |
The Pedagogy of Real Talk |
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The Photographic Legacy of Frances Benjamin Johnston |
Theories of Programming |
Trauma-Sensitive Schools |
We the Gamers |
What Is African Art?
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